"Angkor Wat Central Lotus Tower", Cambodian artist Leang Seckon's masterpiece, auctioned at the CCF Gala-Fundraiser in Hong Kong, November 2024.

The majestic artwork (mixed media: sarongo on canvas, carved buffalo dry skin, acrylic) was presented for auction by Marina Pok, president of Anicca Foundation, during the CCF Gala at The Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong.
Ms Libby Vaughan, CCF Hong Kong Chapter supporter & Cambodian Art enthusiast praised Leang Seckon's contribution to a meaningful cause, noting that since 2004, Cambodian Children's Fund has transformed thousands of the most impoverished kids into tomorrow's leaders. The painting was proudly purchased by Ms Daniele Vale (photo below), a Khmer Canadian benefactress.
In a message sent to the event by Leang Seckon, the artistdescribed the significance of Angkor Wat central tower, the Bakan:
"65 meters (213 feet) tall, it follows the typical temple-mountain design of Khmer architecture, representing Mount Meru, the Hindu/Buddhist cosmic mountain. The tower has three main levels and five conical roofs with lotus petal and pointed cornices. Each level has doorways and windows on all four sides.
The sun rise directly on the Central Lotus Tower during the Equinox, a solar phenomenon considered as a hierophany, twice a year, with the spring & autumn equinox. On the Equinox, the Ray of sunlight dives into the Central Lotus Tower and highlight deity Vishnu through Vishnus standing, meditating and reclining. Surrounded by Apsara dancers flying down from the Sky & the Clouds, representing Nature & God.The Ancient Symbolism is connected with modern technology (the internet) and with Nature, Environment ( leaves & trees, the forest).
The tower is meant to be the mythical cosmic mountain connecting earth with heavens. It represents the axis mundi or center of the universe in Khmer temple architecture and cosmology. As the focal point and architectural highlight, the central tower is the defining image of Angkor Wat and an architectural marvel of Khmer culture."
